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Vehicle Rental Software Customer Success and Support

Bolstered by a team of talented professionals with a solid background in the connected mobility sector, we strive to deliver a positive experience to our customers. 

Customer success and support for vehicle rental business - Coastr
Customer Success and Support for car rental business

Champions of Future-proof Customer Support

 Operating in a niche and specialised fleet and vehicle rental industry, we have been able to assist car rental and van rental of all sizes.

35+ Years - Coastr

35+ Years

Of experience supporting the fleet and vehicle rental industry

8.7 Hours - Coastr

8.7 Hours

Average response time (including weekends) against the industry average of 12 hours and 10 minutes [Source: SuperOffice, 2022]

5-Star Customer Rating -Coastr

5-Star Customer Rating

On Capterra for our product and unparalleled customer service

World-class Customer Success

We have a dedicated customer success team that constantly works towards providing our customers with a top-notch after-sales support experience. Further, our support team manages and resolves queries and offers technical assistance about Coastr's vehicle rental management system.

Streamlined onboarding process -Coastr

Streamlined onboarding process

Making it easier for customers to transition onto Coastr’s platform in less than 7 days

Dedicated account manager

Dedicated account manager- Coastr

Works closely with customers to ensure their requirements are accurately fulfilled

Onboarding assistance, training and basic data migration support -Coastr

Onboarding assistance, training and basic data migration support

To ease the transition from your old software 

Exclusive monthly workshops

Exclusive monthly workshops

To provide new product and feature updates and support with effective adoption of the platform

Live dashboard- Coastr

Live dashboard

Tracks and manages customer responses and feedback

Net promoter score

Net promoter score

We measure and communicate our performance using internal and external SLAs that help us measure our performance against the worldwide standard

Car Park

vacation, retail, commercial, dealerships, leasing and more 

Capterra review for Coastr car rental software
GetApp review for coastr car rental fleet management
Coastr - 5 Star Rating on Google
software advice - Coastr Fleet management software for rental company
Herd Hire Group

"The product is easy to implement into my day to day business. 

Going from several of my previous day-to-day software such as billing, vehicle tracking and inventory to just a single all-in-one software reduces my cost and helps me run the business better".

Carol Baldwin,
National Franchise Manager,
Herd Hire, UK

“Our approach is rooted in research. It is about empowering our clients to make the most impact and reach its audiences.”

​Coastr CSM team
Customer Support - Coastr

Outstanding Customer Service Support Team

Our customer care experts quickly answer your questions and provide a solution when required. With a hands-on and personal approach, they work towards providing the best customer service and technical support around the clock.

24*7 global support - Coastr

Multi time zone support

Via chat, email or telephone to support queries or issues to suit your timezone requirements

Live ticketing system -Coastr

Live ticketing system

All customer issues are logged and tracked in our live ticketing system and triaged depending on the urgency. Critical issues are dealt straight away (within 1 hour) to ensure timely resolution

Customer satisfaction measurement

Customer satisfaction measurement

Every service ticket is closed via an automated feedback survey to measure CSAT scores and so far 75% of our customers have expressed that they are happy with our support services

Become our mobility partner
and future-proof your business today

Coastr Help Centre for Vehicle Hire Business

Coastr Help Centre

Solve issues independently and share your feedback

We have created a comprehensive self-serve guide, which includes a wide range of resources, step-by-step guides, 'how to' videos, articles, FAQs and more. We also empower you to share your feedback via our 'suggestion box' to help us improve our product and services.

Keep your fleet operations on track with Coastr All-In-One Car Rental Software

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Coastr logo- Car Rental software & Fleet management system

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✔  Latest trends in mobility, fleet, rentals, car sharing and car subscription
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Edinburgh, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Palo Alto, California, United States
Bengaluru, India

2024 by Coastr
(Trading name of Nuvven Limited)

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